How to build a computer for games. How to assemble a PC yourself.

You are puzzled, you do not know how to assemble a computer for gaming 2018, come in, help you understand how to assemble a PC for a gaming computer itself, for work and not feel like a chode. Assembling a gaming computer is easy - a good one is harder, but we are not too lucky, right?

Computers for games 2017-2018 and on the agenda the question is how to assemble the computer yourself, good and not only for games? In this article we will talk about the necessary proactive action of the buyer - the choice of optimal components. Along the way, we will smoothly move on to understanding the question of how to assemble a computer for games with the highest possible performance. Once it will be useful to beginners doubly, and experienced and so they know that once having entrusted to assemble the computer to the store, they bought a frank "G" and this time, as I understand it, they decided to assemble the computer on their own, leaving no chance for the merchants.

So, sightedly choose computers and components, consider how to properly build a computer for the game, within a certain budget ....

Learn how to build a computer 2017-2018. How to assemble a PC and why it is needed.

It is nice to see that the army of buyers who decided to assemble a computer on their own is constantly growing. On the one hand, this is a completely explicable trend - for many, this is not the first attempt, and oh, you do not want to step on the rake a second time. On the other hand, it is encouraging that more and more beginners are trying to avoid the mistakes of the pioneers, they ask, study, intending to build a good computer for toys, work, etc. from the first attempt.

For those who read with wide eyes, I will explain where the desire to assemble a computer comes from and why complicate the seemingly simple thing - I went and bought a ready-made PC in a computer store.

First, the computer is not an electric kettle and is assembled from components and most of them are right in the store. Secondly, the computer store undertakes to assemble a computer in 2018, obviously not to give you maximum performance, but rather to get max. profit. Thirdly, there is always a desire to assemble computers from stale (obsolete) components.

You can certainly continue, but I think three points are enough to think about how to assemble the PC yourself and from what to assemble the computer so that you do not feel like a sucker later. I ran through computer shops and, as always, found a lot of “interesting” configurations, for example - a computer for games based on Core 2 Quad Q9650 + GeForce GTX 260, arched with a RAID array of two SSDs for not modest $ 2,109.

Outdated 2008 processor platform with a far from top-end video card - video card tests 2017-2018 - designed for a beginner who has no idea about computers, and the topic is how to assemble a computer for modern games, for him it is, I think the beyond and from the realm of fantasy.

Next, look at a bunch of processor and graphics card Core i5-2400 + GeForce GT 430, add processor test for clarity. Even without special knowledge, looking only at the tests and the positions of the subjects, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion and understand how “good” the computer will be for games. I think the question - to buy such a computer for toys or think - how to assemble a PC yourself, the answer is obvious.

Such examples are apparently invisible, the computer store quite often trying to assemble a computer with its own hands, adapts to a well-sold processor or price tag, and it works. The buyer came, looked - at the neighbor such processor, a thing! - I buy, and what was forgotten to look inside.

The next one came, how can I assemble a computer myself, I have 25,000 rubles and there is a PC in the classroom for 25 tr. On the counter, then the seller also said - super, stylish and goes to your tie or shoes, it is decided - I buy. They brought home, we start the games and the inner voice shouts to you - something is wrong here, the games are far from the maximum speed, and what will happen next year, with new games the computer will be bent?

But once I read on that you need to assemble a PC yourself, spend a couple of days choosing components, without listening to the sellers, optimally assemble a computer for games with a good price / performance ratio. And then shaking off the noodles from the ears, you begin to understand, and in fact he is right - the dog.

The third category goes to the computer store, consults with the vendors, and then hews me with questions - I was advised in the store to assemble a computer with a Phenom II X4 965 + Radeon 5670 processor, is it a normal build of a computer for games? And I answer them tirelessly and politely - if you gather mindlessly assemble a gaming computer, you risk losing up to 50% of the performance within the same budget.

A separate category, not yet ripe to build a new computer for games, is trying to squeeze the most out of its old computer by replacing the video card. For some, this number passes, as a powerful processor was originally purchased, already outdated and not yet manifested itself in games, but still capable of working in tandem with an average video card.

For others, this path is closed and an attempt to assemble computers for games using a tandem powerful video card + weak processor, as a rule, in games brings only disappointment. How to assemble a PC yourself - selection of video card to the processor .

Do not be lazy, read it - it will help you understand how the choice of processor and video card affects performance, which in turn will give you the opportunity to build an optimal computer in the future and, with due desire and perseverance, assemble the best computer on a budget with the maximum return for each spent ruble.

Here we come to the most important thing, to which all this was started, to answer the eternal question about the computer - well, so how to build a computer for the games 2017-2018? I will try by the end of this month to upload updated computer configurations in the region of $ 400-1500 (links will appear here as well).

That will allow you to ask the price, collect a computer online, prepare for a pre-New Year trip to a computer store. And also, I hope, will help to understand how to assemble the PC itself in 2017 - 2018 and why it is better this way, and not in another way.

New! How to assemble a gaming computer 2017-2018.

How to assemble a gaming computer 2017-2018

Choose a budget niche close to you.
Click on the picture.
A detailed description of the components will open.

And in order to pass the time, read for general development:
Drivers for any video cards .
HDD Diagnostics - Hard Disk Health .
How to find out the CPU temperature .
Hybrid PhysX for AMD Radeon .
How to create a bootable USB flash drive .
How to upgrade DirectX 9-11 .

When copying material, a reference to the site is obligatory!

Best Regards

How to assemble computers in 2016.

Assembling a gaming computer is easy - a good one is harder, but we are not too lucky, right?
Computers for games 2017-2018 and on the agenda the question is how to assemble the computer yourself, good and not only for games?
Here we come to the most important thing, to which all this was started, to answer the eternal question about the computer - well, so how to build a computer for the games 2017-2018?